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Royalteen: Princess Margrethe

Royalteen: Princess Margrethe:-

Releasing Date:-                11 May, 2023                      

Genre:-                                 Drama

Cinema:-                              Movie (Norwegian)  

Streaming on:-                  Netflix

Critic’s Rating:-                 Royalteen 3.0/5

Avg. Users’ Rating:-         Royalteen  3.3/5

IMDb Rating:-                     Royalteen 4.6/10

Cast & Crew:-

Director:-          Ingvild Soderlind

Actor:-               Ellie Muller Osborne, Ines Hoysaeter Asserson, Mathias Storhoi


Story:- A sequel to the 2022 Norwegian movie, Royalteen, this time across the movie delves into the afflicted existence of Princess Margrethe ( Elli Rhiannon Muller Osbourne).


While in its first installment, youngsterager drama Royalteen observed the affection tale of prince Kalle (Mathias Storhoi) and a newcomer in school, Lena ( Ines Hoysaeter Asserson), ‘Royalteen- Princess Margrethe’ shifts the point of interest to his sister. Based on a Norwegian ee-e book collection with the aid of using Randi Fugelhaug and Anne Gunn Harvolsen, this movie takes to the air from in which the ultimate one ended.

Princess Margrethe receives herself into hassle on the promenade, passes out and needs to be rushed to the hospital. When her dad and mom the king (Frode Winther) and queen (Kirsti Stubo) go to her, they’re greater worried approximately what is going to appear if the tale of her doing materials on the promenade receives out in public. But matters appear to appearance brighter while the royal households of Denmark and Norway determine to fulfill for a snowboarding vacation, seeing that that is princess Margrethe’s threat of eventually assembly with prince Alexander (Sammy Germaine Wadi), with whom she has been texting for some months now.

In fact, Margrethe’s closest buddy, Ingrid (Amalie Sporsheim), is certain the prince has taken a liking to her and asks her now no longer to squander the opportunity. But matters begin to pass awry at some point of what turned into intended to be a candy vacation romance and to feature to that, Margrethe reveals out that a video of her doing drugs, which she notion were destroyed, continues to be very tons with the man who shot it.

She additionally senses a few friction among her dad and mom which makes her uneasy. And withinside the center of all this she has a fall out with Ingrid and the most effective individual she will fall lower back on is her buddy Arni (Filip Bargee Ramberg).

“Royalteen -Princess Margrethe’ units up the idea of a lonely, misunderstood princess pretty nicely however is not able to hold via with its very own thoughts to the fullest. It drives domestic the factor that the youngsterager princess is hooked on ingesting and materials, thanks to her stricken existence and the steady stress to seem best withinside the public eye.

In fact, at instances it does a respectable activity of displaying her vulnerable, trusting facet however in the long run fails to preserve the narrative engaging. The tempo is languid, and the makers most effective scratch the floor of the problems they create up – whether or not it’s far intellectual fitness or substance abuse with the aid of using teens.

Despite being set withinside the gorgeous, mountainous climes of Norway and having an underlying romantic track, the movie does not etch out the romance to its complete potential. Also, a few tale threads are left dangling mid-way. Overall, ‘Royalteen – Princess Margrethe’ makes for an underwhelming watch, without any of it is plots and sub-plots evolved fully.

Credit Video and Information : YouTube, Google, IMDb

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