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The Killer

The Killer:-

Releasing Date:-                27 Oct, 2023  (U.K.)                      

Genre:-                                Action, Adventure, Crime

Cinema:-                              Movie (English)  

Critic’s Rating:-                 The Killer 3.0/5

IMDb Rating:-                     The Killer 7.0/10

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Cast & Crew:-

Director:-              David Fincher

Actor:-                    Michael Fassbender, Tilda Swinton, Charles Parnell

The Killer Movie Story:-

Michael Fassbender is excellent in the lead role of a yoga-obsessed assassin who pontificates on everything from morals to the Smiths.

The Killer Movie Review:-

David Fincher’s samurai procedural, adapted from Alexis Nolent’s graphic novel, stars Michael Fassbender as the titular hitman. The movie explores the protagonist’s boredom, discipline, and yoga postures while waiting for a VIP guest to arrive. However, something goes wrong when the wealthy, ruthless, and now angrily disappointed people who commissioned the killer want to kill him. The killer’s fanatically focused rearguard action takes him from Paris to the Dominican Republic, New Orleans, Florida, New York, and Chicago to meet with the cryptocurrency baron paying for everything. The film is filled with violence, disguise, track-covering, false names, lockups, and storage units containing weapons, cash, and fake passports.

The pure conviction and deadpan focus of Fassbender and Fincher make the film enjoyable, with moments of realism that are disquieting. The delay in learning how to use specific items creates narrative tension and jeopardy. Fincher breaks out the action-thriller sweat when the killer is set upon, and there is a ferocious punch-up, including one in front of a TV surreally showing Fiona Bruce.

The killer’s motivations for doing all this are unclear, as he may have no imagination and the cash and weaponry he has stockpiled unconsciously for a self-annihilating kamikaze mission. The film is a thriller of pure surface and style, managed with terrific flair, and Fassbender’s careworn, inscrutable face is just right for it.

Credit Video and Information : YouTube, Google, IMDb

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