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12th Fail

12th Fail:-

Releasing Date:-                27 Oct, 2023  (India)                      

Genre:-                                Drama

Cinema:-                              Movie (Hindi)  

Critic’s Rating:-                 12th Fail 4.0/5

Avg. Users’ Rating:-         12th Fail  4.0/5

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Cast & Crew:-

Director:-          Vidhu Vinod Chopra

Actor:-                Perry Chhabra,  Sam Mohan, Vikrant Massey

12th Fail Movie Story:-

This semi-true story of a young farmer who spends his grandmother’s life savings to appear for police officer examinations in Delhi promotes the concept that success can be achieved only by hard work.

12th Fail Movie Review:-

Perhaps it’s just a coincidence of timing, but you might read this video as a little cinematic pep talk for young kids returning to school after their half-term break. It’s a sweet, if emotional, ode to the concept that, despite pervasive corruption and the caste system, success in India can still be reached by meritocratic methods.

The semi-true narrative of Manoj Kumar Sharma (Vikrant Massey), the middle child of a farming family from Chambal (a area famed for its bandits, according to the voiceover narration), serves as the vehicle for this.

Oppressed by corrupt local cops and a mayor who expects payments for everything, Manoj takes his spicy grandmother’s (Sarita Joshi) life savings to travel to Delhi and attempt the difficult civil service examinations that will allow him to become a police officer.
Passing these examinations, however, is like playing snakes and ladders, as a private coach instructs a room full of hopeful pupils at one point, with one failure sending you back to the beginning and only a finite amount of chances until you’re disqualified.

Manoj falls asleep on the bus on his way to the major city and loses all his money when his luggage is stolen. Manoj meets fellow promising student Pritam Pandey (Anant Vijay Joshi) in a café. He buys him lunch and provides him with a place to stay in Delhi as they both go on a lengthy, laborious sequence of unsuccessful efforts and “restarts” – the latter phrase constituting the refrain in a pop song played throughout, in traditional Indian movie manner.

Along the way, Manoj falls in love with the poised Shraddha (Medha Shankar), a student who gave up her dream of becoming a doctor after having to treat a young girl who died as a result of abuse, an experience that inspires Shraddha to bring abusers and others to justice. Will her affluent family tolerate her marrying Manoj, who was once obliged to work in a flour mill for 15 hours a day to bring money home, while also studying for six hours, leaving him with only three hours to sleep every night?

Vidhu Vinod Chopra, the writer-director, constantly emphasizing how Manoj’s success is ultimately an arithmetic problem, especially when he discovers that the key to passing a critical set of tests is learning how to compose a dozen 200-word essays in the permitted amount of time. The second major didactic lesson in the film is that cheats never flourish, despite the fact that the film acknowledges that there is still a lot of discrimination and bias in the system, making life difficult for individuals like Manoj.

But it all comes together quite well, and it’s difficult not to grin at the final sequence of images showing the real Manoj and Shraddha smiling with the actors who play them on film; the most saccharine of touches, but one that works.

Credit Video and Information : YouTube, Google, IMDb, bookmyshow

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